August Rain in CA

We had a California "storm" with some lightning in late August. Naturally, this was front page news in the local paper!

It rained late in August in northern California. I didn't have a blog then when I sent this email to friends and family. If I had a blog then this would have gone in.

We had a California "storm" with some lightning late Monday/early
Tuesday. Naturally, this was front page news in the paper! Some
interesting quotes from the article:

In San Jose, the first rain since May was measured at
Civic Center, where .03 inch was in the gauge. It was
the first time rain has been measured in San Jose in
August since 2000.

0.03? Whew, glad I wasn't caught out in it. I would have
gotten soaked. ;-)

The article claims we usually get only one storm a summer,
but this is the third one this year.

``It's not very common for them to happen so frequently,''
said meteorologist Shawn Weagle at the National Weather
Service forecast center in Monterey.

"So frequently" says Shawn, after three storms. Hmmm.
And this one was the largest, dropping .03 inch of rain.

``In some areas, we got a lot of lightning, but the rain
evaporated before it hit the ground,'' Weagle said.

The rain evaporated before it hit the ground? Is that really

Anyway, this is what passes for front page news in northern
California. In addition to the governor's recall election,
of course.

Posted: Fri - September 12, 2003 at 02:52 PM        
