TODO lists

I noticed something interesting(?) about my TODO list recently.

I have a TODO list on my computer desktop (doesn't everyone?). There seems to be a self-regulating force acting to keep the length of the list nearly constant. When I am really busy I don't cross things off the list very quickly but I don't have time to add new items either. When I have more free time I knock items off the TODO list quickly but I also add items to the list faster too. Items that normally wouldn't make the cut when I'm busy get added to the list when I have more time because there is some chance that I'll actually get to 'em. The list usually has 10-15 things to do. Right now I have 14 TODO items...and now that I've written a blog entry about TODO lists I guess it has only 13 items. Time to move on to the next one.

Posted: Sat - January 10, 2004 at 12:59 AM        
