What a Blast!

The carpet cleaners have gone and the furniture will be back in place soon. I guess we've almost recovered from our annual Holiday Party.

We had over 100 people come to our house last weekend for our annual Holiday Party. Our house is a nice size, but it is hard to imagine how we can get that many people in it. If you were here, then you know. Many people in the kitchen decorating cookies, or eating around the table. A bunch seated in the living room chatting. Others standing around the family room. Some out back by the pool chatting (in the rain?). Several in the garage playing video games or grabbing a drink. Many, mostly kids, upstairs playing pinball, and some others, probably kids, jumping on the bed! And of course, some kids playing on the stairs.

I don't normally like to go to parties with that many people, but it is different when you've created the invitation list. Then, everywhere you look there is someone you want to talk to. Unfortunately I don't get to chat with everyone as much as I would like to. This is especially true for those folks who I manage to see only once a year at this party. Last year Bry and T surprised me by showing up with 2-week old son Zachary and I didn't even know they were expecting. This year Arce said she couldn't make it because she and Manuel planned to deliver their new daughter that day, and I didn't know they were expecting either. That's what makes chatting with everyone so much fun. You never know what you are going to learn. Ken wants his contractor license, Mark has a great new product idea, Verlyn is almost as big a Star Trek fan as I am.

I also like watching all the kids playing with the various games. It is fun to see others enjoying the games with almost as much enthusiasm as I have. I wish I could play some too, but I usually don't because a) I supposed to be the host so I'm supposed to be socializing, and b) because I can play these games any time I want, but the guests only get the opportunity once a year.

No major mishaps this year, though there were a few minor ones. Some red wine spilled at the base of the stairs but the carpet cleaner was able to get it out. Some reports of tussles between some of the kids. Someone threw a tissue into the scented candle in the bathroom which splashed some wax around and caused the candle to sputter and go out. The kid in me can see the appeal of the experiment (what will happen if I throw this tissue into the candle?), but the adult in me thinks that next year we shouldn't put candles in areas where no adult will be present.

Anyway, if you came to the party, thanks for coming. It was a blast. I posted some pictures here.

Happy holidays!

Posted: Wed - December 10, 2003 at 05:58 PM        
