I, Robot

I'm eagerly anticipating the upcoming I, Robot movie with Will Smith, but at the same time I'm prepared to be disappointed.

This summer will bring I, Robot, a movie based on the robot stories by Isaac Asimov. I'm a big fan of Asimov and the robot stories are great and could translate well to the big screen. But I'm moderating my enthusiasm just a bit. You remember the last time we had a movie based on an Asimov story? I rushed out to see Nightfall the day it opened--boy was I disappointed. Abso-cruda-yucky! I suppose there was some tiny nugget of Asimov's Nightfall in there, but it was hard to tell. And the movie was a true stinker.

So I'm looking forward to I, Robot, but I think I'll watch for some positive sign that it is worth seeing before rushing out on opening day to spend my $9.50 on it.

Posted: Wed - May 19, 2004 at 02:19 AM        
